
Why Study Software 工程 at Montana Tech?

As a 软件 engineering major, you’ll benefit from Montana Tech’s small student-to-faculty ratio, astonishing hands-on learning environment, engaging 软件 engineering internships, 最新的相关课程确保你准备好在软件工程学位工作中取得成功. 连续15年, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院软件工程专业毕业生的就业率是100%.

Be Ready for a Career in Software 工程

蒙大拿州理工学院将超越只是给你的知识和技能,你需要软件工程学位的工作. 在科技, 我们确保您具备在现实环境中成为团队一员所需的沟通和人际交往能力. 从从事软件工程的教师到菲律宾十大彩票平台大学杰出的职业服务, you’ll have the resources, 支持, and connections to secure 软件 engineering internships and jobs.

Accredited Program, World-Renowned 教师

蒙大拿州理工学院软件工程系提供abet认证的软件工程学士学位课程. 我们的软件工程课程将通过获得实际设计经验,为您的尖端技术和计算机职业做好准备, 建筑, 测试, and maintaining 软件 systems.

Through the 软件 engineering 学位, 您将向世界知名的菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的教师学习,他们将为您带来丰富的行业经验和广泛的学术兴趣. 这些专家将为你提供指导,帮助你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院和软件工程学位工作中取得成功. 软件工程部门的任务、愿景和目标都以您为中心.

Study Software 工程 and Have Fun Too

Get involved in various clubs and organizations on campus, such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Club. 春假过后, ACM俱乐部的成员会去西雅图和旧金山等地参观雇佣软件工程专业学生的公司. 通过在蒙大拿州理工大学博物馆计算机实验室的辅导,获得实践经验并获得报酬. The Software 工程 Department also hosts several events, 包括秋季学期开始和春季学期结束时的烧烤. You can also have fun skiing, 钓鱼, 徒步旅行, and enjoying other outdoor adventures in stunning Montana.


Engaged 教师 with Experience and Expertise
Access to State-of-the-Art Labs
Explore Montana Tech’s Technology 项目
Learn why students choose Montana Tech’s Software 工程 项目.

What is Software 工程?

软件工程关注的是如何设计和构建能够年复一年交付有价值服务的软件产品. 在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院, 你将学习许多与计算机科学相同的课程, 但是你会学习一些课程,比如软件需求, 软件设计, 软件测试. You will also learn about working with people (communication, 管理, working with non-technical customers), methodologies for developing 软件, and how to measure and analyze a 软件 system.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Software Engineers Do?

With the 软件 engineering 学位 from Montana Tech, you’ll be prepared for a wide array of 软件 engineering careers. 蒙大拿州科技大学软件学位课程的毕业生拥有各种各样的职位, including computer programmer, 数据库管理员, and computer systems analyst. 他们还拥有软件工程、计算机科学和相关领域的高级学位.

100% Career Outcome Rate
12% Projected Job Growth by 2028
$84K Average Starting Salary

蒙大拿州理工大学的软件工程课程为我在工业界的职业生涯做了很好的准备. 小班授课和互动课程让我深入探索软件工程的许多不同方面, and my professors were always eager to help out when I needed it.

卡森弗莱彻 B.S. Software 工程, 2020 Software Engineer, Google

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院学习软件工程是一件幸事. 从一开始,系里所有的老师都为我的成功付出了努力. 菲律宾十大彩票平台也给了我机会,通过校园俱乐部和课堂上的项目来追求我在我的领域感兴趣的东西. As I get close to graduating, 我觉得在软件工程方面有了坚实的基础,我已经准备好进入工作岗位了.

贾斯汀•贝克 B.S. Software 工程, 2021

Explore Classes in Software 工程

During your first year at Montana Tech, 你将学习一门大一的研讨会课程,这门课程将向你介绍软件工程领域, as well as computer science. Programming is a key part of your 软件 engineering courses. 您将通过学习需求和规范来建立您的知识和技能, Verification and Validation, 用户界面设计, 软件架构, and the year-long capstone Senior Design Project.

Learn More About Software 工程 at Montana Tech
Software 工程 Department

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and more.


Get semester-by-semester info about 软件 engineering courses.

Active ACM章节


Male student looking at a computer monitor with program code

Build in-demand expertise in computing concepts, 硬件, 软件, 网络, and artificial intelligence.

Hand adjusting a dial on electrical engineering equipment

Go further with advanced study of energy and power, automation and controls, 信号处理, 和仪表.

Student and a staff member looking at graphs on a smartboard



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