Why Earn an Interdisciplinary, M.S. at Montana Tech? 

一个跨学科的科学硕士学位允许你在感兴趣的特定领域学习和进行研究. 在全美最佳价值学校中排名第一的工程学院, 您将受益于一个非凡的动手学习环境.

State-of-the-Art Labs and Equipment

您将受益于几十种不同类型的实验室设置, that range from the nation’s only underground mine classroom, to facilities that research advanced manufacturing, nanotechnologies, and more. 

Outstanding location

蒙大拿是一个美丽的教室,适合对水质感兴趣的学生, ecology, geology or environmental fields. If you are looking to spend your time in our top-notch labs, rest assured that in your down time, you’ll find thousands of acres of National Forest, two national parks, 令人叹为观止的落基山脉和蓝带河流都在驾车距离之内.


An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is required. IMS项目的申请人应遵循申请菲律宾十大彩票平台学院研究生院的说明, using the IMS application. Because of the unusual nature of this degree program, the IMS has several additional admission and program conditions.



学生必须寻找并确定一个项目委员会,该委员会至少由来自至少两个不同学术部门的至少3名大学教员组成,他们愿意为学生服务. 至少有一名委员会成员必须来自菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的硕士学位授予部门. 项目委员会主席不必来自硕士学位授予部门. 拟议的跨学科项目中的每个学科必须在项目委员会中有代表.

与项目委员会主席和其他成员协商, 申请人将为他们的研究项目和课程计划制定一套明确的目标. 课程计划必须列出学生将学习的每一门课程. 这个计划应该在各学科之间取得一个大致的平衡. 计划委员会成员和系主任必须批准拟议的学位计划.

The Program Committee will act as the student's department. 委员会将开会审议申请材料,并将这些材料和入学推荐信提交给研究生院.

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What is the Interdisciplinary, M.S.?


What Kinds of Jobs Do Interdisciplinary, M.S. Graduates Get?

你的职业领域将取决于你选择在硕士课程中学习的学科.S. degree. 在工程和科学领域,硕士学位通常要求更高的薪水. You also may choose to continue on to a Ph.D., or pursue a career in academia or research.

Explore Classes in Interdisciplinary, M.S.

IMS课程提供非论文选项(37学分)和论文选项(31学分)。. 非论文选项通常只适用于那些可以记录书面和口头出版物和演讲历史的学生. An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is required.

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Jesse Taylor
Graduate School Admissions