学会识别和解决应用工程复杂的工程问题, 科学, 在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院获得abet认证的土木工程学士学位,学习数学原理.

Why Study Civil 工程 在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学?

这个以学生为中心的土木工程学位是由一个充满活力和知识渊博的教师领导的. 他们对教学和学习充满热情,并创造了一种像家庭一样的文化.

Montana Tech’s civil engineering 学位 has close ties with industry, bringing in not just occasional guest lecturers, 而是有成就的专业人士,他们与土木工程教师共同教学. 在过去, students have benefited from courses co-taught by the owner of a large 商业 建设 company; a district engineer with the Montana State Department of Transportation; and a lead structural engineer with a national consulting firm. 向这些专家学习可以帮助你更容易地从学术界过渡到工业界,并使你对未来的雇主更具吸引力.

First Class Labs and Equipment

To ensure you have plenty of hands-on learning opportunities, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院有一个全职的实验室主任,他会协助教师将实验室整合到你的土木工程学位中. 你将有机会进入蒙大拿州理工大学自然资源研究中心(NRRC)最先进、设备齐全的实验室。. This three-story facility, 它为你提供了众多的学习区域和大飘窗,让你欣赏美丽的蒙大拿风景, includes a composites and wood testing lab with nearly $100,000 in wood testing equipment direct from Germany.

Civil 工程 Internships

通过在孤峰当地或蒙大拿州和全国各地的土木工程实习,获得更多的实践经验. 土木工程实习通常包括协助工程师建造结构, 建筑, and public works projects, from 桥梁 to roadways to thoroughfares. 土木工程实习通常是通往未来土木工程职业的门户.

Outstanding Location

By earning your civil engineering 学位 在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 in 孤峰, you’ll have easy access to an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise. Montana Tech is surrounded by six mountain ranges, 两个国家公园, 还有五条河, offering you endless opportunities to ski, 徒步旅行, 鱼, and just enjoy the beauty of Montana.

Study Civil 工程 and Have Fun Too

充分利用你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的时间,参加学术和特殊兴趣俱乐部, engaging in student activities and events on campus, and taking on leadership roles through Student Government. Take a break from your studies in civil engineering to ski at nearby ski hills or in the backcountry; enjoy southwest Montana’s hot springs; 徒步旅行 the Great Divide and other trails; and 鱼 in pristine mountain streams.

Support for Your Career Success

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院为你准备了一个高度受欢迎的土木工程学位的工作. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的教师将鼓励您追求专业执照和其他认证,以推进您的土木工程事业. You’ll also benefit from a highly engaged 职业服务 team, 这将有助于你找到土木工程实习和土木工程工作.


Engaged 教师 with Experience

Visit the Civil 工程 faculty page.

What is Civil 工程?

Arguably the oldest engineering discipline, civil engineering involves the design, 建设, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. Civil engineers design, 构建, 监督, 在公共和私营部门建立可持续的项目和体系. Projects are wide in scope and can include 建筑, 道路, 机场, 隧道, 大坝, 桥梁, and municipal systems.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Civil Engineers Do?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院土木工程专业的毕业生设计和建造大型基础设施项目,如水坝, 溢洪道, 水工建筑物, 道路, 机场, 桥梁, 隧道, 和建筑. 他们在私营和公共部门工作,包括国家交通部门, 咨询公司, and even 商业 建设 companies all over Montana, 该地区, 这个国家, 这个世界. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的招聘会通常会吸引数十家公司,这些公司希望雇用我们土木工程专业的就业准备就绪的毕业生.

100% Career Outcome Rate



By 2026

The 2022 ASCE Salary Report

See the latest salary reports »

Explore Classes for Civil 工程

你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的土木工程学位将为你提供一个全面的, balanced understanding of engineering, 包括规划, 布局, and design for sustainable residential, 商业, and/or industrial projects. Course offerings include sustainable engineering; water resources engineering; 建设 engineering; structural engineering; transportation engineering; and 构建ing inspections.

Learn More About Civil 工程 在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学
Civil 工程 Department

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and more.


Get semester-by-semester info about civil engineering courses.

American Society of Civil Engineers

Learn more about professional opportunities through the student chapter.

Hand turning a dial on an electrical machine
Electrical 工程, B.S.

Go further with advanced study of energy and power, automation and controls, 信号处理, 和仪表.

Two people using a machine in a nano-technology lab
Mechanical 工程, B.S.

学习设计和建造从小型设备到航天器的机器,并为需求做好准备, 高薪职业.

Two women inserting a tube in a glass beaker
Environmental 工程



We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. 力平江
Department Head and Associate Professor
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